Keep up the true spirit of this festival of lights, not smog levels. This Diwali, make a Science Rangoli!
Isn't Diwali all about burning firecrackers in the next gully and waiting for that noise that comes from the chain reaction when all the crackers attached to each other light up? But this year, I want to take this pandemic as an opportunity that in light of personal safety measures such as social distancing, we will also take care of the planet (=our health, ultimately) at the same time.

Diwali cleaning is a real thing. I remember a few days before the festival, how my mother would ask the tallest person in the family to clean all the ceiling fans. Probably painters coming to whitewash the entire house. But the only charm amid the cleaning phase would be when on a fresh Diwali morning, I got to make a rangoli at home.
I remember using aata (wheat) as white powder and haldi (turmeric/kukurma) as a beautiful yellow. But while all the rangoli designs would always be some beautiful drawings and shapes, this time I urge you take a challenge. Make a science rangoli!
CERN has a range of cool data simulation charts that can be a great rangoli design.
You can select your science rangoli ideas from CERN's rich source of gallery by searching "data visualisation" or "data chart" here:
Free accessible collection to CERN images (give credits):
See Data Simulations from CERN Experiment here: See Simulated Events here:
See Event Displays here: If you actually do make a #ScienceRangoli, I'd be very happy if you share with me your designs on Instagram or Twitter!
Let me know which of the beautiful data simulation from CERN's experiment is your favourite for #ScienceRangoli .